Forbidden City - photo courtesy of Kirsten Becker Hansen

8th Meeting on Global Microbial Identifier in Beijing, China

GMI 8 is being organised by the China CDC and the GMI Steering Committee. The meeting will be held at the Sunworld Dynasty Hotel in Beijing11-13 May 2015.

Going global

This meeting is the first GMI global meeting outside Europe and North America. The meeting represents the GMI drive towards a global debate about the future use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in support of microbiology, public health and one health.

The meeting is also an attempt to reach out to scientists, regulators and relevant industries in developing countries, in recognition of the potential specific benefits of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) in countries, where public health and microbiological labs are under rapid development.

A new format

In order to spread the knowledge and experience in this area to a broader audience this meeting will consist of two parts:

  1. A one-day scientific seminar presenting the newest scientific achievement in the NGS and WGS areas, including an overview of the potential for public health and one health improvements for epidemic and endemic human and animal disease.
  2. The traditional two-day event will include continuing business of the five GMI working groups, presentations by international experts and a poster session. The meeting aims to examine the state-of-the art of next-generation genomics, review GMI objectives and strategy and support international harmonization of the efforts to use WGS data to build and integrate global databases


The meeting provides a unique opportunity to join the GMI initiative and drive its strategy to develop a global system of DNA genome databases for microbial and infectious disease identification and diagnostics. The meeting will benefit those tackling individual problems at the frontline (clinicians, food microbiologists, veterinarians, etc.) as well as other stakeholders, i.e. policy-makers, regulators, industry, etc.

The purpose of the meeting is to determine a path forward for how to establish a globally distributed system and follow up on the previous GMI meetings. These meetings are primarily for collaboration and integration across international borders. 


GMI logo

The report from the GMI 8 Meeting in Beijing, China, is ready for download.

GMI 8 final programme

Invitation update for the GMI 8 in Beijing, China: The programme for the 8th meeting in the Global Microbial Identifier initiative is now ready.

Programme (pdf)

GMI 8 contact in Beijing

For questions concerning the GMI 8 meeting in Beijing, China, such as visa, venue, getting around, please contact Ms. Jing Liu at
7 MARCH 2025