Norovirus virions or virus particles

4th Meeting on Global Microbial Identifier in Bethesda, MD, USA

Disease Outbreak Detection in the Genomics Era: Global Road Map Meeting #3, a workshop organized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) and the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, and held on 24-25 September 2012, at NIH campus Lister Hill Center in Bethesda, MD, USA.

The purpose of the meeting is to determine a path forward for how to establish a globally distributed system and follow up on the three previous meetings: 1) Brussels, Belgium 2011, 2) NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, 2011, and 3) Arlington, VA, USA, 2012.

The discussions will focus on solutions to questions and challenges surrounding the deployment of next-generation genomic typing tools for public health and clinical disease cluster detection on a global scale. Specific topics for discussion will include: (i) implementing metadata requirements for clinical and outbreak isolates; (ii) computer resources/tools required for a global genome-based disease detection network; (iii) standards for bacterial identification and clustering; (iv) policy challenges (political, legal, and global health diplomacy) to sharing data on a global scale; (v) lessons learned regarding clinical utility and rapid detection; (vii) strategic sequencing targets and proof-of-concept case studies; and (vii) industry contributions toward a global genomic network. Detailed instructions for breakout discussions will be provided prior to the meeting.

Agenda for the 4th meeting (pdf)

Break out questions for the 4th meeting (pdf)

Report on the 4th meeting (pdf)
14 DECEMBER 2024