Avian influenza a viruses

5th Meeting on Global Microbial Identifier in Copenhagen, Denmark

On behalf of the Steering Committee of the Global Microbial Identifier (GMI), the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark invites to the 5th meeting under the initiative. The meeting is held 27-28 February 2013, at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.

GMI focuses on the use of genome sequencing techniques in a global system for microbiological identification and epidemiological surveillance. The meeting is held in Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-28 February 2013. The aim of the meeting is to develop an overall roadmap, including a three-year action plan, as well as to share important updates related to the technology.

The objectives of GMI are to develop global solutions to challenges surrounding the deployment of next-generation genomic typing tools with the purpose of creating a global system for microbiological identification and epidemiological surveillance. Previous meetings under the initiative have concluded that the building of such a global system to aggregate, share, mine and translate genomic data for microorganisms in real time is a realistic goal. It is also generally agreed that such a system will enable significant national as well as international improvements in the capacity to address public health and clinical challenges.

Purpose and outcome

International subject matter experts have held four expert meetings in 2011 and 2012, involving more than 300 scientists from more than 25 countries. The 5th meeting focuses on the planning of the work to be conducted by the work groups of the initiative, and will also include a general part. All participants are expected to join one of these groups and to participate actively in the meeting:

  • Work group 1: Political challenges, outreach and building a global network
  • Work group 2: Repository and storage of sequence and meta-data
  • Work group 3: Analytical approaches
  • Work group 4: Ring trials and quality assurance
  • Work group 5: Pilot projects 

The aim of the 5th meeting is to develop an overall roadmap, including a three-year action plan, as well as to share important updates related to the technology. The meeting will not include sections focused on how to conduct whole genome sequencing, and participants are generally expected to be theoretically acquainted with the technology. 

Agenda overview
  • Brief introduction, primarily relevant for new participants
  • Important updates
  • Political challenges with focus on impact
  • Preparation of three-year action plan for all work groups  

Director Jørgen Schlundt, jors@food.dtu.dk, +45 23 67 47 48

Professor Frank Møller Aarestrup, fmaa@food.dtu.dk, +45 35 88 62 81

For practical matters

Coordinator Vibeke Dybdahl Hammer, vdha@food.dtu.dk, +45 35 88 64 20 

See agenda, presentations and report from the 5th meeting

25 JANUARY 2025