Masami T. Takeuchi, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Masami Takeuchi has a PhD in food science and human nutrition. After working in the area of nutrition for 7 years, she has worked on food safety issues since 2001 including the field work in Thailand in 2005.

Since February 2006 she has been a food safety officer in the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Following the intensive work in the areas capacity development in many African and Asian countries, she was one of the core members to establish a new food safety emergency prevention programme of FAO (EMPRES Food Safety).

Currently she belongs to the group of the Provision of Scientific Advice, conducting various international food safety assessment activities. Her major responsibilities are on safety assessment of food/feed derived from new technologies including biotechnology and nanotechnology.

She is the manager of the FAO GM Foods Platform (  She also works on development of various overview papers on newly available technologies for food safety in order to provide up-to-date information to assist capacity development of developing countries.