A satellite meeting sponsored by Defra will be held on the 10th September 2014 ahead of the GMI7 meeting held at the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) on the 11-12th September 2014. The aim of the satellite meeting is to explore the GMI concept in relation to plant pathogenic bacteria and potentially other areas (e.g. bee diseases).
Currently the GMI is focused on human pathogenic bacteria and aims to provide a genomic epidemiological database for global identification of microorganisms or global identifier of microorganisms. It will be a platform for storing whole genome sequencing (WGS) data of microorganisms, for the identification of relevant genes and for the comparison of genomes to detect outbreaks and emerging pathogens.
To register for the satellite event contact Richard Thwaites at Fera directly by e-mail at richard.thwaites@fera.gsi.gov.uk