Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 - a funding opportunity for GMI

Wednesday 29 Jan 14


Vibeke Dybdahl Hammer
Administrative Coordinator
DTU National Food Institute
+45 35 88 64 20

The European Union (EU) has launched their new research and innovation program, called Horizon 2020. Though the program is EU based, it is open for other countries as well to join. Here are some facts about the program.

Horizon 2020 is the new EU research and innovation subsidy program following up of the FP7 and brings together all EUs earlier research and innovation programs.

Horizon 2020 is part of the 'Europe 2020 & the 'Innovation Union' strategy, and aims towards a 3% R&D of GDP. The keywords are: excellent research, industrial leadership and innovative solutions. The proposed budget: € 70 billion and the program will run from 1 January 2014 – 2020, and the first calls have appeared on 11 December 2013.

For GMI there are numerous opportunities in Horizon 2020 to get funding for lab research, setting up the GMI database infrastructure, as well as for funding the organization of GMI. Many of you may already know about Horizon 2020 and are considering, or already working on projects on GMI related ideas aiming at Horizon 2020. It would be good to locate these people and institutes for the opportunities GMI offers of identifying project partners that could strengthen the projects.

For more details, the website to visit is: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/

12 DECEMBER 2024