Become an active member

Become an active member of the GMI initiative

Wednesday 29 Jan 14

The Global Microbial Identifier initiative consists of people participating in the annual meetings and/or in the five working groups and steering committee, and the initiative is deeply dependent on their active involvement.

To ensure continuing involvement and progress in the GMI initiative, the steering committee now asks everybody, who wishes to participate as an active member in one or more working groups to accept the charter and sign up for membership.

As an active member you will participate in one or more working groups.

See description of the five working groups

See who is who in the steering committee

See membership page

GMI charter - final as proposed by Davis Conference

Working group 1 has developed a draft Charter and Structure document: GMI consists of the Platform, organizing body, including e.g. the Steering Committee and the Working Groups, and the Community Network that receives news, invitations and general news about the initiative. A first structuring of the GMI movement must aim to continue to minimize bureaucracy whilst maximizing the flexibility that has characterized GMI thus far. A draft version was discussed at GMI6 and following GMI6 it was sent to the GMI Community Network for comments. This version is now final.  

Download the final charter (pdf).
14 DECEMBER 2024