DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020 is open for sign-up

Tuesday 17 Dec 19


Susanne Karlsmose Pedersen
Senior Scientific Officer
DTU National Food Institute
+45 35 88 66 01
The DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020 has been launched, and you can sign-up from now until 31st of January 2020.

What is the DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020?
This inter-laboratory performance test is provided to facilitate harmonization and standardization in whole genome sequencing and data analysis, with the aim to produce comparable data for monitoring and research purposes. The proficiency test represents an important tool for the evaluation and production of reliable laboratory results of consistently good quality within the area of DNA preparation, sequencing, and analysis.

The DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020 focuses on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli and Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni, and allows for sign-up for each species separately.

The DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020 is based on the same setup as the three proficiency tests previously provided by the Global Microbial Identifier (GMI) initiative.

Sign-up for the  DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020 is now open. Please follow the link to the global surveillance webpage to find more information about the proficiency test and to sign-up to participate (sign-up deadline 31st of January 2020).


If you have any questions about the DTU Genomic Proficiency Test 2020, you are welcome to address them to Susanne Karlsmose Pedersen (suska@food.dtu.dk).
