Disease Outbreak Detection in the Genomics Era: Global Road Map Meeting #3
The purpose of the meeting is to determine a path forward for how to establish a globally distributed system and follow up on the three previous meetings: 1) Brussels, Belgium 2011, 2) NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA, 2011, and 3) Arlington, VA, USA, 2012.
The discussions will focus on solutions to questions and challenges surrounding the deployment of next-generation genomic typing tools for public health and clinical disease cluster detection on a global scale. Specific topics for discussion will include: (i) implementing metadata requirements for clinical and outbreak isolates; (ii) computer resources/tools required for a global genome-based disease detection network; (iii) standards for bacterial identification and clustering; (iv) policy challenges (political, legal, and global health diplomacy) to sharing data on a global scale; (v) lessons learned regarding clinical utility and rapid detection; (vii) strategic sequencing targets and proof-of-concept case studies; and (vii) industry contributions toward a global genomic network. Detailed instructions for breakout discussions will be provided prior to the meeting.