6th Meeting on Global Microbial Identifier

6th Meeting on Global Microbial Identifier


The purpose of the meeting is to determine a path forward for how to establish a globally distributed system and follow up on the previous GMI meetings. These meetings are primarily for collaboration and integration across international borders.


Discussions will focus on solutions to questions and challenges surrounding the deployment of next-generation genomic typing tools for public health and clinical disease cluster detection on a global scale. Specific topics for discussion will include: the working groups defined in earlier meetings; Political and financial challenges, Repository and storage of data, Analytical approaches, Ring trials and QA/QC and Pilot projects. Intermixed with the working groups reporting and updating a few examples will be presented on advances in the field since our last meeting in Copenhagen DK. Detailed instructions for breakout discussions will be provided prior to the meeting.

Expected outcome

A series of updated road map statements focused on establishing a global disease outbreak detection system using a worldwide network of shared genomic information for bacterial, viral, and parasitic microorganisms AND a commitment from various institutions for working together on developing such a database. Progress from the various committees will be reported, and a revised strategic plan will be drafted and presented. Governance strategies for the GMI also will be discussed.


Direct link to registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FkkaQijgNBXE6vCG6ypI8bQ-zcPRPBMdjGz-huOA350/viewform?pli=1


Draft agenda (pdf)


Invitation (pdf)


Tue 10 Sep 13 -
Wed 11 Sep 13


GMI/US Food & Drug Administration/UC Davis 100k pathogen genome project


Walter A. Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center, UC Davis Campus, Sacramento, California
13 DECEMBER 2024